How to Earn Profit From BuyUcoin’s SCIP?

How to Earn Profit From BuyUcoin’s SCIP?

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SCIP or Systematic Crypto Investment Plans is a general term used by people and often confused with mutual funds. In general, the concept of SCIP is linked to mutual funds where users start a new SCIP from their desired company, and a particular amount of that asset gets accumulated in your account periodically. But have you wondered about SCIP plans in crypto? Let us find out how you can earn a profit from SCIP! 

SCIP refers to Systematic Crypto Investment Plans that mirror the term SCIP. It helps you build a portfolio of cryptocurrencies over time. Our platform enables users to invest in six different SCIP: Top Crypto Performers 2021, Dogecoin SCIP, Chainlink SCIP, Litecoin SCIP, Ethereum SCIP, and Bitcoin SCIP

Want to unravel more about Systematic Crypto Investment Plan and How one can tap the most out of SCIP– Check Out- Why Should You Invest in SCIP?

SCIP Plans!

The SCIP plans are segregated depending on the risk profile of the users. Suppose a person in their 20s can choose to invest in High Risk or Very High-Risk SCIP plans, while on the other hand, a person above the age of 40 cannot afford to lose the investment, and subsequently, they opt for a Low-Risk SCIP plan

Users planning to invest can also check the expected ROI (Rate of Interest) by selecting their desired SCIP. The interface is pretty smooth and guides you with charts and historical returns to select the right plan. You can also choose the frequency and start your investments on BuyUcoin – India’s Most Secure Crypto Exchange.

Decoding the returns of Top Crypto Performers 2021

Let us decode and check how we can earn profit from SCIP. We will take two investment products and compare the returns over different time frames. We are choosing a Low-risk SCIP, i.e., Top Crypto Performers 2021. The minimum investment for this plan is 10,000 INR, where users can select the frequency on Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly Options.

Remember the metrics; we have chosen a monthly time frame that makes our initial investment stand at 600,000 INR after five years. Our capital would have appreciated by 3843% within five years, i.e., 2,36,60,000 INR. In short, six lakhs grew to a whopping 2.36 Crores

How to Earn Profit From BuyUcoin’s SCIP? zA9eVK9oqk6mUPKo 6qxjP4aBqebGtY2SZiGhBJigPQrWXTb9LjuaZ1Ae0PMDzKgZNxg9ObCx LI AsjqOOipNU8 CGN gnHx uQbki4eiJ2FkOAl w6VJMkOVDnlXPomtlV4Xg9 | BuyUcoin

Naturally, there may be an instance when the returns might not fascinate you so much. You can choose to invest the lump sum amount these days. It will average down the costs to some extent to help you reap greater profits when the prices start rising.  

Let’s take the example of a Medium Risk SCIP, i.e., Dogecoin SCIP. Dogecoin has displayed significant returns in the past beating many cryptocurrencies on their way. If you had chosen the tenure of five years, you would have earned a whopping 11484% increment on your capital. 

The returns are almost 114X. With 10000 INR invested monthly, your initial investment would stand out to be just 6,00,000 INR while your portfolio will stand at 6,95,00,000 INR. That is almost 7 Crores. If you are still not convinced with the returns slip has displayed, Ethereum SCIP for the same initial amount would be 7.8 Crores!

Return Calculation of different Financial Products

There are several instruments other than Crypto SCIP that people often use to invest. The most popular form is FD (Fixed Deposits) that offers a meager interest of 6% on your capital. And not just here, you have to pay a specific tax amount, and with the current inflation rate, there is no room for the word ‘Capital Gain.’

PPF is also the choice among several people, where returns stand at ~8%. There are no tax rates on PPF, but they have a lock-in period of 15 years, which is a very long time. It narrows down the return to ~3% after removing the inflation barrier. The figure below will help you better understand the returns on FD, PPF, and Crypto.

How to Earn Profit From BuyUcoin’s SCIP? ATEAQUiFIAOLO6QXX1VgijWLjXRAXYdV6WvMZWAHCyhbBCLBLx | BuyUcoin

Wrapping Up!

We have a winner here as the Crypto SCIP plans have offered enormous returns on the capital. With such a low capital requirement, users can multiply their investments within a short period. And it is not that difficult too. You can also start to earn profit from SCIP by visiting BuyUcoin’s website, signing up with an e-mail ID, submitting the documents for verification, and getting started in less than 10 minutes. 

The process is as simple as ordering your favorite food on the application. Why wait for so long? Choose wisely and start investing in SCIPs from today. 

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