How Web 3.0 is Impacting the Financial Services Industry?

how web 3.0 impacting financial services

In the world of the internet, we are on the verge of a revolution. Superfast 5G data rates, open data formats and software, increasing and extending capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and precipitous improvements in blockchain technology will all contribute to this revolution. Web 3.0 is the third generation of online […]

World’s First Web 3.0 School Launches NFT Marketplace, Metaverse

World's First Web 3.0 School Launches NFT Marketplace, Metaverse

21K School, the world’s first Web 3.0 school, has launched its NFT Marketplace and Metaverse and Web 3.0 for their K12 kids worldwide. The innovative 21K School founders have taken their deep passion for technology and adopted it long-term. Students will be motivated to use technology to boost their learning experiences, transforming virtual learning from […]

How Web 3.0 Adds Value to a New Era of Indian Angel Investors?

How Web 3.0 Adds Value to a New Era of Indian Angel Investors?

The emergence of Web 3.0 has given birth to a new generation of angel investors from India who support entrepreneurs in the field not just with funding but also with mentorship and community building, which these businesses value. Before the creation of Web 3.0, the internet-driven by people was simply a myth, but today, with […]