Apple CEO Tim Cook Says He Invests In Cryptocurrency; Says Apple Working On Crypto-Related Features

Apple CEO Tim Cook Says He Invests In Cryptocurrency; Says Apple Working On Crypto-Related Features

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Apple CEO Tim Cook recently stated that the company is looking into cryptocurrencies, but he did not provide many details. According to a Bloomberg report, Tim stated at a New York Times DealBook conference that he personally invests in cryptocurrency but has no plans to invest Apple’s money in it. Cook stated that Apple has no plans to accept cryptocurrency for its products, but that Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are an intriguing part of the cryptocurrency space.

Cook stated that Apple is considering implementing cryptocurrency-related features, but he did not elaborate. He said that the company has no immediate plans to enable crypto functionality in Apple Pay but “there are other things that we are definitely looking at.” On investing Apple’s cash in cryptocurrency, Cook said he has no plans. “I don’t think people buy Apple stock to get exposure to crypto,” Cook said.

Apple CEO Tim Cook also discussed Apple’s contentious App Store commissions during the conference. He defended the company’s position by claiming; that most developers are only charged a 15% commission rather than the full 30%. He also stated that users who; want to side-load apps can do soby purchasing an Android device rather than an iPhone. In response to the metaverse, Cook stated that augmented reality is still a core technology for Apple.

Source: News 18

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