Beware of Duplicate BuyUcoin Domains Scamming Users

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Important Notice for BuyUcoin Users

At BuyUcoin, the safety and security of our users are our top priority. Recently, we have discovered a concerning trend where malicious actors have created multiple duplicate domains mimicking our official website. These fraudulent websites are scamming users by posing as the legitimate BuyUcoin crypto exchange, luring them into depositing funds and then disappearing without a trace.

The Scam Explained

These fake websites are designed to look exactly like the original BuyUcoin platform. They employ similar branding, user interface, and even replicate our support links. Unsuspecting users deposit their funds, believing they are interacting with the real BuyUcoin, only to find their money gone and no way to recover it.

To make matters worse, many of these users then reach out to our legitimate support center, causing confusion and delays in addressing real customer concerns.

Extent of the Issue

We have identified at least 26+ fraudulent domains so far, including but not limited to:

  • Buyucoinyo. com
  • Buyucoinyr. com
  • Buyucoinyq. com
  • Buyucoinyg. com
  • Buyucoinyp. com
  • Buyucoinyi. com
  • Buyucoinyw. com
  • Buyucoinyd. com
  • Buyucoinyh. com
  • Buyucoinyj. com

Below are screenshots of some of these fake websites and the complaints from users who have been affected:

Beware of Duplicate BuyUcoin Domains Scamming Users AD 4nXfRmsjcp7bmQkO3MUdKzCy51iaMhFMiFcdxToeSB Xozn6gmnkHi6KlzKaQZnhqrpoKurm8NVGRMqhMdYKq7LgXJsZoQ48xg534GkhxkyTVpXA5 xL9ypPXIBXN6LLlRmSco rZGGEgwNC vZ66bpjQwJA?key=dRqO3uh psu3Q i FBaWA | BuyUcoin
Beware of Duplicate BuyUcoin Domains Scamming Users AD 4nXcwS4WsDvpwhjQs2ke2eBB2IkkVYPlgnnhLXQUwKpn7lKCdgQFR EJHDzxEgn gCgcGJDbfvVaP7UDyybLsauaA0V iHbUzFhtuKAXe1iyI kaSFbUuy 22JNmowdMXvsTUssH MPQh5Ai8xwTChA2iYFVc?key=dRqO3uh psu3Q i FBaWA | BuyUcoin
Beware of Duplicate BuyUcoin Domains Scamming Users AD 4nXcUelAdhaPI4wPJydZTUdiJq3zhwol KxTU9HyVgftHfXENcB zhIpx 3Mw0M8QjpxEgCmHxESTW36S6h9irVuAIfsVAhoD6BvtSkGowrDofBBgzACVQoROwl 2PC0lt4GsqEQcbIqW3x9459v XIsZdIQ?key=dRqO3uh psu3Q i FBaWA | BuyUcoin
Beware of Duplicate BuyUcoin Domains Scamming Users AD 4nXekGZBsN511L8iRi59p0BCg2ih9rbnhvKrdYfAn99piicN7DZZT70r ycVkRY0lw6AAWAPtvg0MiWHMQr2DkOi3Fci9NgSdZIB6kHDTKq4CqxJCeunQg88CftOaD5adepbGjOsxnNGKBD4bV0QugPvX3OzM?key=dRqO3uh psu3Q i FBaWA | BuyUcoin

How to Protect Yourself

  1. Verify the URL: Always ensure you are visiting our official website: Bookmark this URL and access BuyUcoin only through this link.
  2. Check for HTTPS: Our official website uses HTTPS to secure your connection. Look for the padlock symbol in the address bar.
  3. Contact Support Directly: If you have any doubts, contact our support team directly through the contact information provided on our official website. Do not trust contact details provided on any suspicious sites.
  4. Report Suspicious Websites: If you come across any website that looks like BuyUcoin but has a different URL, report it immediately to our support team at

What We’re Doing

We are actively working with authorities and cybersecurity experts to take down these fraudulent websites and prevent further scams. Our team is also enhancing our security measures to better protect our users from such threats.

Stay Informed

We urge all our users to stay vigilant and informed about these ongoing scams. Follow our official channels for the latest updates and announcements. Together, we can fight back against these malicious actors and keep our community safe.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in BuyUcoin. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.

Stay safe,

The BuyUcoin Team


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