APECOIN Price Prediction | Learn Why APECOIN May Reach $20?

APECOIN Price Prediction

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ApeCoin prices have risen by more than 50% in the last week. ApeCoin is up more than 2.5 percent in today’s trading session and is expected to finish higher at the conclusion of the day. The session will also mark the fourth day in a row that prices have closed higher than their opening levels.

ApeCoin’s rise has been accompanied by allegations that it cheated its investors out of $1.7 billion. According to an analysis of the top 100 ApeCoin holders, they own 52.3 percent of all coins currently in circulation. The data also revealed that the top address possessed 30,305,548 APE, which is more than 3% of the current total supply of the cryptocurrency, according to Bitcoin News‘ analysis. The second-largest crypto holder also had a lot of Apecoin, with 10,833,332 APE in his wallet. This amounted to around 1% of the cryptocurrency’s entire supply.

The cryptocurrency has grown by 3.8 percent in the last 24 hours of APE activity. Despite a reduction of over 6% in overall trading volume, it now stands at $1,798,122,312. The data from the last few sessions, on the other hand, shows a strong positive trend that is expected to continue in the days ahead.


The price history of the past few days is depicted in the 4-hour chart below, where the trend has been quite strong. The past few 4-hour candlesticks show that prices are already up 2.5 percent in today’s trading session. In addition, the prices reached a recent high of $18.42 before failing to break upwards. However, the market activity in today’s trading session is indicating more bullish volatility.

ApeCoin Price Prediction 4-hour Chart

APECOIN 4-Hour Price Chart Prediction

Source: InvestingCube

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