Demole is Extending NFT Gaming Beyond Blockchain

Demole is Extending NFT Gaming Beyond Blockchain

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Demole is Extending NFT gaming beyond blockchain. The global gaming business was valued at $300 billion in 2021, thanks to the proliferation of consumer-grade PC technology and cellphones, making video games a more popular source of entertainment than the American cinema industry.

Parallel to the surge in gaming popularity is the explosion of the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector; and more recently. Demole is Extending NFT Gaming beyond blockchain. The advent of gamefi; a blockchain-based gaming revolution that adds an economic spin to what was previously just entertainment.

Because of the exclusivity of non-fungible token technology, NFTs serve as a solid foundation for creating one-of-a-kind player experiences. Bridging the gap between a novel; emerging technology and the existing global gaming industry, on the other hand; has proven to be a difficult task up to this point.

Introducing Defi Monster Legends

Demole is the world’s first 3D role-playing game based on NFT technology that is play-to-earn. It pits player-characters against one another in a PvP environment and; combines a variety of popular gaming mechanics found in triple-A games, including campaign storylines; resource crafting, arena battles, progressive upgrades, boss battles, a player-operated item marketplace, and more.

Recognizing that the global gaming industry has boomed due in large part to the popularity of smartphone gaming; Demole expands the traditionally PC-based NFT gaming sector into the mobile arena.

Demole, which stands for Defi Monster Legends; has the potential to be the first project to bridge the $300 billion gap between blockchain gaming and; its non-blockchain counterparts; thanks to its mobile focus and ability to allow players to earn money while playing.

Countering the Gaming Industry’s Underhand Tactics

In recent years; major video-game publishers have increased their reliance on forcing players to pay for game content; that was previously included as standard with the base game. Instead of play-to-earn; major developers implement a pay-to-play mechanism in which certain content is only available to those willing to pay extra. This sales tactic is frequently indistinguishable from gambling; as evidenced by the now-accepted loot-box phenomenon; – a trend that appears doubly pernicious when one considers that its typical targets are children.

Blockchain-based NFT gaming has threatened to democratize and liberate gaming culture from these profiteering tactics; however; its inability to meet the graphical and gameplay standards of the existing gaming market has slowed its spread thus far.

RPG meets BSC

Demole aims to bridge the gap between the traditional gaming market and; the blockchain-based NFT space by providing the features that the average gamer has come to expect. This includes; in addition to graphical fidelity and mobile compatibility, a rich storyline on par with popular modern games, in-game communication; diverse content and missions, and the inclusion of one of the most popular genres in gaming today: RPGs.

Demole, which is built on the cryptocurrency space’s DeFi home, Binance Smart Chain (BSC); provides players with a low barrier to entry and low gas fees for in-game activities. Furthermore, because of its burning and revenue sharing model; Demole and its native $DMLG token can benefit more than just gamers. Token burns are scheduled on a regular basis, increasing the value of the native token; and allowing passive holders to benefit from the game’s popularity. Token holders can also choose to stake their tokens in order to earn passive returns.

Demole’s team has extensive experience in mobile gaming, blockchain development, marketing, and finance. Demole’s development is overseen by four different specialist teams; with responsibilities divided among blockchain developers, digital game artists, a marketing team, and a finance team.

The Demole team thinks that this specialisation of responsibilities; along with its play-to-earn approach – and a desire to look beyond the NFT area; – will propel the mobile RPG into the hands of eager gamers all around the world whether or not they are blockchain fans.


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