Tomi Heroes NFT Sales volume Just exploded $1.35 million, using TOMI Massive ROI Sales Potential

Tomi Heroes NFT

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NFT and DeFi fans around the world may be wondering why Tomi Heroes have been appearing on OpenSea in recent days. Because these non-fungible tokens grant early access to Tomi’s token presale, limited-edition sets are in high demand. With 395 Ether (or roughly $1.37 million) in traded volume, it is clear that this is the project to watch in the coming days.

Massive TOMI Presale ROI Potential

As Tomi Heroes earns more money, the Team will buy and burn TOMI tokens during the TOMI sale on SushiSwap. It is a no-brainer for any TOMI presale participant, as the return on investment potential is borderline astronomical given the TOMI team’s contribution from the NFT sale. As investors seeking exposure to the TOMI presale rounds experience more FOMO, the remaining NFTs will garner even more attention and return for the presale.

It is critical to see this project for what it is. It is more than just an NFT collectable, though these items are likely to remain in high demand on the secondary market after the token sale is over. Instead, it is a tool to facilitate token presale participation and incentivize holding the NFT rather than flipping it for a quick profit, as is the case with so many other projects.

Furthermore, using the proceeds to increase the scarcity of the TOMI token is a game-changer in the crypto industry. Because the project focuses on giving back to stakeholders while making no profits for the developers, other NFT projects can learn a thing or two from Tomi’s approach to this novel technology, and this could set a precedent for ethical and inventive demand-driven tokenomics. Tomi Heroes NFT Sales volume just exploded $1.35 million, using tomi massive ROI Sales Potential.

If you want to participate in the TOMI presale rounds, investing in Tomi Heroes is a good idea. It is critical to obtain access to one of these five presale rounds, which are only available for 30 minutes each. Even if no one else participates in the token sale and the market cap remains at $75,000, the current rate of ETH trading volume is sufficient to make investors 10x their TOMI investment.

To avoid transaction delays and high gas fees, the TOMI launch will take place on the Polygon network via the SushiSwap platform. The token presale rounds will be held on September 21, 2021, with each presale round lasting 30 minutes.

A Look at Tomi Technology

To grasp the potential of TOMI, it is essential to look at what the ecosystem will provide to its users. Powering scalable projects through blockchain technology and introducing DEX swapping are two of its core solutions. The focus on decentralized finance can change the lives of millions of people by democratizing access to alternative financial services and products. Aligning this vision with PancakeSwap’s success and long-term plan can create a sustainable and attractive outlook for cryptocurrency and blockchain over the coming years.

TOMISwap will be the next-generation decentralized trading platform developed by the Tomi team. It will be built on the Ethereum blockchain and will allow users to swap multiple tokens without paying exorbitant transaction fees. Offering sustainable, efficient, low-cost, and quick solutions for high-throughput transactions saves energy and allows for scalability, which benefits all participants.

Thanks to the utilization of decentralized liquidity providers, the transaction price per swap is limited to 0.3 per cent. Of these charges:

The liquidity provider earns 6% of TOMISwap’s transaction fees and smart contract activities through Sushiswap. Governance stakeholders receive 6% of the transaction fee.

3% of the transaction fee is assigned to TOMISwap user donations.

TOMIFundMe accounts for the other 3%.

TOMIFundMe allows anyone on the planet to create a profile and share project ideas and business plans. Rather than stopping there; TOMIFundMe will assist business ideas in growing and evolving if; they have the potential to change the world for the better. All TOMI holders can vote on projects that will receive a grant. Those grants are funded by allocating 8.3% of all TOMISwap fees to this purpose. It is a unique opportunity to witness future development in the decentralized industry.

The Team; concentrates strongly on wealth distribution and gives the TOMI token and people; who own it inside its portfolio a beneficial social impact. However, the token has some advantages.

TOMI Utility In A Nutshell

The TOMI token is the native currency for several functions in the Tomi ecosystem. There are several reasons to embrace the notion of TOMI, ranging from community management to liquidity provision and cheap transactions. Governance token stakeholders get TOMISWAP’s passive revenue and can vote for the next blockchain age. Cheap transaction fees and liquidity benefits may be available to traders via DEX swapping.

With an initial supply of 1.5 billion coins; enough to cover the project’s initial needs; the Team decides to use half of the coins to provide liquidity via Sushiswap. Another 250 million tokens; will be used to fund project development and will require TOMI governance token holders’ approval before being spent. The remaining 500 million, which will be released over the next three years, will be used for the Community pool. To ensure a fair distribution and release, there are no free tokens for the founders or anyone else.

In October 2021, after the Tomi Heroes NFT sale is completed, the Team will offer TomiSwap and TOMI staking. TomIFundMe will be released in the first quarter of 2022, around February. The Tomi blockchain, which will replace Ethereum, will launch in Q3 2022 and will support ERC-20 tokens.

Final Thoughts

The continued interest in the Tomi Heroes NFT; demonstrates that investors share the Team’s vision of creating wealth for all through fairness and transparency. Furthermore; the Team’s decision to use all proceeds to buy back TOMI tokens and reduce supply from the start; without any developer receiving a free allocation of tokens; demonstrates their commitment to a long-term business plan capable of permanently changing DeFi.

Many ideas can be realized by a confidential team with a sound business plan and forward-thinking. As a more common concept of cryptocurrency, it is time to build riches and share them with everybody. Tomi meets this perspective and provides TOMI holders with value and encouragement.


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