Jobs Related Crypto Increased 395% in 2021, Dominating The IT Industry: LinkedIn

Jobs Related Crypto Increased 395% in 2021, Dominating The IT Industry: LinkedIn

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According to the most recent survey by Microsoft-owned job networking platform LinkedIn, crypto-related posts for jobs in 2021 dominated all-popular IT and tech employment fields, indicating increased potential disruption.

Last Year, The Number Of Jobs For Crypto-Related Positions Increased Dramatically

The worldwide crypto craze has reached new heights as the industry expands tremendously despite legislative obstacles in many nations. With the tremendous surge in popularity of digital currencies, tokens, and, more lately, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the employment market is exploding; with crypto-based job ads soaring.

According to the LinkedIn data, job posts with titles containing phrases like “Bitcoin,” “Ethereum,” “Blockchain,” and “Cryptocurrency” increased 395 per cent in the US from 2020 to 2021; outperforming the broader IT industry, which had a 98 per cent growth in listings over the same period.

This pattern has been observed in the software and finance industries and accounting and consulting.  “While most of the job postings were in software and finance, other industries are also seeing a rise in demand for crypto talent. These include professional services like accounting and consulting, as well as the staffing and computer hardware sectors,” the research stated.

What Types of Positions Are Businesses Looking to Fill?

According to Linked data, some of the most prevalent job titles employers are looking for include blockchain developers and engineers.

According to PitchBook statistics; investors globally invested $30 billion in crypto and blockchain firms in 2021, resulting in a tremendous increase in recruiting demand.

At the same time, public interest in cryptocurrency “exploded as high-profile advocates like Elon Musk hailed the technology and crypto firms entered the mainstream, as seen by the newly-named Arena in Los Angeles,” according to the paper.

Meanwhile, the crypto business is experiencing both highs and lows in India. Though indigenous crypto-related enterprises are cashing in on the digital currency’s tremendous appeal; regulatory uncertainty remains as India has yet to finalise its crypto policy.

Despite these legislative challenges, India ranks second in Bitcoin adoption, trailing only Vietnam; according to the 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index. By 2030, the Indian cryptocurrency industry will reach $241 million.

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