Google Web 3.0 Strategies, Check Explored Google Blockchain Products

Google Web 3.0 Strategies, Check Explored Google Blockchain Products

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Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet Inc. and its parent company Google, revealed some strategies about its blockchain plan; investigating the use of Web 3.0 technology for the first time. 

He is considering ways to incorporate the blockchain-based version of the internet during its Q4 results call last week.

Google is All Set to Investigate Blockchain & Build Strategies for Web 3.0 

On Tuesday, Sundar Pichai; the CEO of Alphabet – Google’s parent company said that the business is incorporating blockchain technology into its core products and services.

When asked how Alphabet viewed Web3, Pichai said the company is looking at numerous “areas of interest;” including augmented reality and investigating how it can use blockchain technology to power computing and service layers such as YouTube and Google Maps. He stated:

“Any time there is innovation, I find it exciting, and I think it is something we want to support the best we can […] The Web has always evolved, and it’s going to continue to evolve, and as Google, we have benefited tremendously from open-source technologies, so we do plan to contribute there.”

Sundar Pichai

Pichai also stated that Google’s cloud team, a new firm division that competes with Amazon Web Services and Microsoft, is finding ways to meet customers’ needs using blockchain-based platforms. 

Just one example, our Cloud team is looking at how they can support our customers’ needs in building, transacting, storing value, and deploying their products on blockchain-based platforms.

Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet Inc. & Google

Google Is Preparing To Provide Job Opportunities in the Blockchain Sector to Qualified Candidates

Google’s Cloud division has launched a group to develop blockchain-related companies. According to Richard Widmann, head of the strategy for digital assets at Google Cloud; the company aims to acquire a group of blockchain experts.

“We think that if we do our jobs right; it will drive decentralization,” he was reported as saying by the media.

According to the executive, Google is presently evaluating what sorts of services it may give directly to blockchain developers. Google’s cloud CEO, Thomas Kurian; has suggested various applications, including retail and health care.

Notably, Alphabet has developed the basic concepts for the new decentralized Web. Other companies, highly significant Silicon Valley IT giants; have been significantly more ambitious in adopting Web 3.0 than Google.

As mentioned by BuyUcoin earlier, recent technological developments are opening up new, intriguing, and well-paying job opportunities for tech-savvy individuals worldwide. 

Blockchain technology is rising as a top job option and is regarded as one of the most current, innovative; and exciting technological enterprises.

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