Maricoin: The World’s First LGBTQIA+ Cryptocurrency

Maricoin: The World’s First LGBTQIA+ Cryptocurrency

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Maricoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency for the LGBTQIA+ community, was created to uplift the community as a whole, make them more financially secure and independent, and send a particular message to the rest of the world.

Introducing Maricoin, World’s First LGBTQIA+ Cryptocurrency

The cryptocurrency and blockchain industries have made significant progress in the financial and banking sectors. Furthermore, we have all witnessed the significant changes brought about by blockchain and cryptocurrency as their popularity has grown. Similarly, it has concentrated on transforming and significantly elevating the LGBTQIA+ community. 

Maricoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency devoted to the LGBTQ+ community, debuted on New Year’s Eve. Maricoin’s designers want to make cryptocurrency a legitimate means of payment for LGBTQ people. They may use it to pay for goods and services at various LGBTQ-friendly companies and events throughout the world.

Maricoin is a Spanish homophobic insult. It was introduced on Friday following a week of experimental testing by ten companies from Chueca; an LQBTQIA+ community in Madrid, Spain. 

Everyone in the sector has praised Blockchain’s attempt to make the “pink economy” visible. The Blockchain serves as a high-security ledger for digital transactions, making it impossible to mess with. Creating a transparent and cohesive approach will assist the LGBTQIA+ community is rallying with confidence and standing up for one another in the face of abuse.

Strengthening The Economic Power of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Even though Spanish authorities swiftly suspended the campaign; Belmonte intended “to do something” to capitalize on the LGBTQIA+ community’s economic situation.

Borderless Financing, a Miami-based startup capital firm, is behind the currency, and more than 8,000 individuals are now on the waiting list to purchase Maricoin before it goes live.

The global LGBQIA+ market is enormous, according to Credit Suisse research. If it were a country, it would have the fourth-largest economy globally, even surpassing Germany in terms of buying power.

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