What is bitcoin? Learn everything about BTC in simple words 2022.

Bitcoin Price Prediction

What is the exact meaning of the word “bitcoin” as the top search term on Google every year? That this term is being searched so heavily. And what is bitcoin, exactly? So, instead of using technical and complicated words about what is bitcoin, let us grasp it in layman’s terms. Why does anyone offer you […]

Everything about Bitcoin: How to Trade Bitcoin In India?

How to trade bitcoin in India

The global crypto market cap is $2.00 trillion with Bitcoin commanding 41.64% of the market. Bitcoin has a finite amount of 21 Million BTC. Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that are decentralized and may be used to buy goods and services. It is a digital form of payment that is secure and widely accepted globally. They […]

What is the Difference Between Blockchain And Bitcoin?

Difference between Blockchain & Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables users to transfer money anonymously. Its decentralized nature makes it secure and tamper-resistant. Other cryptocurrencies, like Ethereum, are also powered by blockchain. Bitcoin and blockchain are closely related. They were both created when Bitcoin was released as open-source code. Since its inception, people have often referred to […]